The Evolution of Disability Employment  

A Journey of Progress and Empowerment 

Each year, October marks National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), a time dedicated to celebrating the invaluable contributions of individuals with disabilities to our workforce. For much of the 20th century, individuals with disabilities faced significant barriers to employment, but the past few decades have been transformative.

A major shift began with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, specifically Section 504, which was the first federal law to prohibit discrimination based on disability in employment. This groundbreaking legislation set the stage for further progress, including the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The ADA not only required reasonable accommodations but also redefined inclusivity, empowering millions of individuals to bring their talents into the workforce. 

In 1996, the Department of Labor introduced the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), encouraging employers to embrace diversity by hiring individuals from underrepresented groups, including those with disabilities. The creation of the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) in 2001 further demonstrated a sustained commitment to promoting inclusive practices that ensure equal opportunities for all. 

A Positive Outlook on Disability Employment

Despite historical challenges, we’ve seen remarkable strides in fostering an inclusive workforce. However, there are still disparities. 2023 statistics from the Department of Labor highlight some ongoing differences between individuals with and without disabilities in the workforce: 

Labor Force Participation Rate:  

- Persons with disabilities (aged 16-64): 40.3% 
- Persons without disabilities (aged 16-64): 77.7% 

Employment-Population Ratio:

- Persons with disabilities (aged 16-64): 37.2%
- Persons without disabilities (aged 16-64): 75.0% 

Unemployment Rate:

- Persons with disabilities (aged 16-64): 7.7% 
- Persons without disabilities (aged 16-64): 3.5% 

Although these statistics reveal a persistent gap, they also serve as a powerful reminder that progress is possible and necessary. At Skookum, we view these numbers not just as a challenge but as an opportunity to lead the way in creating more inclusive and equitable workplaces.

Building on Progress: Skookum’s Role

At Skookum, where 74% of our employees have a disability, we’re driven by a clear mission: to provide meaningful employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities while fostering a culture of support, inclusion, and upward mobility.

One of our many success stories involves our one of our facility management employees, Cole (left). Cole faced challenges finding meaningful employment due to his disabilities. After going through our interview process, we created a Laborer position for him at Skookum. Shortly after he was hired, another Skookum employee, Patrick (right), became both a mentor and teacher to Cole, encouraging him to grow. With Patrick's guidance, Cole has truly thrived. Over the past year, he has transformed into an essential member of our maintenance team, independently handling tasks across more than 10 barracks facilities.

Cole (left) and Patrick (right) at their worksite.

Cole's story is just one example of how Skookum empowers individuals to succeed. Explore more opportunities and be part of our mission on our careers page.

We believe in empowering our employees to reach their full potential, whether they choose to grow within Skookum or pursue new opportunities elsewhere. Through our dedicated employee development programs, hands-on training, and mentorship, we’re not just helping our employees succeed in the present, we’re equipping them with the skills and confidence for a lifetime of success.

Our impact goes beyond just Skookum's employment. We’re committed to educating other communities and offering resources that promote sustainable growth in disability employment through our Community Employment Services.

What’s next?

While there’s still work ahead, the strides made in disability employment are inspiring. Skookum stands at the forefront of this progress, committed to building a future where every individual, regardless of ability, can thrive in the workplace. But we can’t do it alone.

If you share our vision of an inclusive workforce, join us in this mission. Whether you're an employer looking to make a difference or someone seeking to grow your career, Skookum is here to support you. Together, we can continue reshaping the employment landscape and unlock the full potential of individuals with disabilities.