Glidepath Program

Glidepath Program

The Glidepath program at Skookum offers a person-centered approach to help individuals who are wanting to re-enter the workforce, but are hesitant due to fear of losing their current benefits. We aim to provide individuals with the information and support necessary to achieve stable employment and financial independence.

The program will provide benefit planning services to help you understand how employment can have an impact on your housing, health insurance, and other benefits, so you can make an informed choice about returning to work. This program can also provide a dedicated employment specialist who will work one-on-one with you to provide pre-employment services such as building a resume, interview practice, and finding and applying for jobs. If you are not currently enrolled in the Foundational Community Supports (FCS) supported employment program, you may choose to enroll with Skookum or any other FCS employment provider.

The priority population includes individuals who are enrolled in the FCS supported program, and also receive HEN benefits or have recently lost their HEN benefits. By focusing on this population, the Glidepath program encourages individuals to work and connects them with rental assistance and provides funding to cover approved, work-related expenses. These supports will ensure participants have the opportunity to engage fully in their communities and lead fulfilling lives.

If you have questions about the Glidepath program you can contact us at 360-473-2512 or

If you are interested in the Glidepath Program, fill out the referral form below.

Glidepath Referral Form

The Glidepath program at Skookum offers essential benefit planning and employment support for individuals receiving or at risk of losing Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) funding. It focuses on assisting these individuals with gaining employment while understanding the impact of employment on their benefits. The program can offer support funds to cover approved, work-related expenses to achieve and maintain employment.

Person being Referred(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
County of Residence

Client/Participant Contact Information

How can we connect with them?

Need and Eligibility Pre-Validation

Is the individual currently enrolled in WA State Apple Health (Medicaid)(Required)
Accepted file types: docx, pdf, doc, Max. file size: 50 MB.
Please provide proof of HEN eligibility.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
This may be a letter from your agency, with their cast manager attesting their eligibility.

Skookum is committed to ensuring the privacy of any and all Protected Health Information (PHI) disclosed to us and understands that this may include information that is protected by federal confidentiality rules (42 CFR part 2). We attest that any information provided will be protected to the extent required by any and all applicable state and federal laws. We will prohibit any further disclosure of this record unless further disclosure is expressly permitted by the written consent of the individual whose information is being disclosed in this record or, is otherwise permitted by 42 CFR part 2 and/or HIPAA.

Your Contact Information

Please provide your information so we can reach out and inform you if we are able to assist the individual or need additional information.
Your Name(Required)

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